One Organic Farm

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Moroccan Spiced Lentil Burger

Moroccan Spiced Lentil Burgers

served with pita and cucumber tomato sumac salad

Recipe makes 4 burgers

Total Time: 35 Minutes

Lentil Burgers

·        1 Cup Organic Green Lentils

·        2 Tbsp One Organic Farm Organic Whole Flaxseeds

·        ¼ Cup Organic Rolled Oats

·        2 Organic Garlic Cloves, minced or finely grated

·        1 Medium Organic Onion, grated

·        1 Medium Organic Carrot, finely grated

·        1 Tbsp harissa

·        1/2 tsp Organic Smoked Paprika

·        ¼ tsp Organic Ground Cumin

·        pinch of organic cinnamon

·        ½ tsp salt

Tomato Sumac Salad:

·        ½ English cucumber, diced into 1½ inch pieces

·        6 cocktail tomatoes, sliced into  wedges

·        ½ red onion, diced into 1-inch pieces

·        ¼ tsp sumac

·        ¼ cup roughly chopped parsley

·        1 ½ tbsp olive oil

·        Juice of ½ a lemon

·        Pitas for serving

·        Plain or Greek Yogurt


1.      In a medium sized pot add lentils and cover with 4 inches of water, season with salt. Bring to a boil over high heat, once boiling, reduce heat to medium and let cook until the lentils are tender but not mushy about 10 – 12 minutes. Strain and let cool.

2.      In a food processor blend together lentils, oats, flaxseed, garlic, onion, carrot, harissa, smoked paprika, cumin, cinnamon and salt. Blend until mixture is combined but not pureed, there should be some whole lentils left. Alternately add everything to a large bowl and mash together with a potato masher. Form into 4 – 4 inch burgers about ¾ inch thick.

3.      Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil in large heavy cast iron pan over medium heat (or a non stick pan). Cook burgers until browned and crispy, about 4-5 minutes per side. Add more oil as needed.

4.      While lentil burgers cook, toss together cucumber, tomato, red onion and parsley in a medium bowl, squeeze over half a lemon and add olive oil, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle over sumac.

5.      Once burgers have finished cooking, plate on top of a yoghurt smeared pita, and serve cucumber, tomato salad on the side.

This recipe was exclusively made for One Organic Farm by the very talented Haley Polinsky. Haley is a food stylist, artist, recipe developer and tester based in Toronto, ON.

You can visit her website,, for more amazing recipes or follow her on Instagram @haleythemaker.